Seo iad air an eadar-lìon:
Agus seo Latha Math!
There's a new band, Mànran, in Scotland and they are trying to be in the "Top Forty" in the UK. Latha Math or Good Day is the name of their single and it's great! Because I'm not in the UK, I can't do anything but this! Buy it today and I hope that they will be in the "Top Forty" soon!
Here they are on the internet:
And here's Latha Math!
Acciently came across your blog whilst doing Gaelic homework :P I'm 15 and from Scotland, I'm doing higher Gaelic at school this year. Just wanted to comment to say I've seen Manran live and one of them used to teach me tin whistle in primary school, and another few I see out and about at dances and things as they grew up very near me. Nice to see you have such an interest in Gaelic! My school's doing a pen pal programme with a school in Cape Breton within the subject of Gaelic. I'm also going on a school trip next year to Dublin with my Gaelic class. You'll probably be aware of the Scottish Independence referendum that's coming up... Only one way to go! BU CHOIR!!
ReplyDeleteHello! Thanks for commenting! A bheil thu à Leòdhas, ma-tha? Tha sin cho cool, choinnich mi riutha o chionn bliadhna nuair a bha iad a-bhos agus bha iad mìorbhaileach! 'S math chluinntinn gu bheil thu an sàs anns a' Ghàidhlig agus gu bheil cothrom agad rudan mar siubhail, etc a dhèanamh - cho eadar-nàiseanta! Tha mi actually a-nis a' fuireach ann an Alba agus a' sgrùdadh Gàidhlig aig oilthigh, ged nach eil mi a' cur mòran air a' bhlog a-nis. Co-dhiù, cùm ort! 'S math a chluinntinn bhuat! :)