Shortly is a relative term. So there.
Here are the pictures from the Mòd, taken by my mom.
The Mòd sign. The signage was quite good, I thought. Except for the fact that for a little while, the signs were pointing in opposite directions. That was soon fixed though.
Bha an signage gle mhath, bha mi a' smaoineachadh. |
Mr MacKay and me. A teacher and student kind of shot. |
Anne, a wonderful singer.
Seo Anna. Tha i math air seinn agus tha i uamhasach snog. |
Susan and Anne. |
The organizer, Frances Acar, with ajudicators Angus Allan MacDonald and Sìne Anna MacKay, writing feedback.
Seo an organizer, Frances Acar, le Angus Allan MacDonald agus Sìne Anna MacKay, na judges, a' sgriobhadh feedback. |
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