Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Smaller classes for Gaelic schools comes under attack

Just a quick link for y' all today. 17 days until the US Mòd!

(Tha mi duilich. Chan eil mòran Gàidhlig agam idir an diugh. :(

Seo e: (Here it is):

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sheena's Garden (An Gàradh aig Sìne)

After the competition in Antigonish my mom and I headed to the Pictou-Antigonish Library to check email. While we were there I was extremely excited to find a Maisy book in Gaelic! The librarian noticed my highland dance bun and we struck up a little conversation. When she found out I was learning Gaelic she handed me a little card with the web address of a new E-book in Gaelic and English.

As deidh an co-fharpais anns a' Bhaile Mòr, chaidh mo mhàthair agus mi dhan Pictou-Antigonish Library to check email. Nuair a bha sinn an seo bha mi gle shona a fhaic (?) an leabhar mu dheidhinn Maisy 's a' Ghàidhlig. Chunnaic an librarian m' fhalt agus bha sinn a' bruidhinn rinn. Thug i an cairt beag dhomh.... (I can't translate anymore!!!)

I checked it out and was very pleased! Obviously meant for small children, it re-enforces the names for numbers and vegetables (and their plurals). I learned some new vocabulary for words like bean, cucumber, tomato, etc. It's a great learning tool as it is completely bilingual and a fun children's book as well. I love the animations. Check it out!

The link to a page with two E-books on it. Click to read it and a second web window will appear:

(And in case you were wondering, Lewis MacKinnon is the narrator for both Sheena's Garden and the story Dòmhnall agus na Sithichean. :)

(I took some cool screen shots but Blogger won't let me upload them. Bah!)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Dòmhnall agus na Sìthichean - Donald and the Fairies

At the Gaelic college, my Gaelic class did a play based on a Cape Breton story. I was one of the narrators. Here is a video showing the same story, animated. Enjoy!

Thanks to Gaelcast.

Aig a' Cholaiste Ghàidhlig, rinn mo chlas Ghàidhlig cluich à Cheap Bretainn (sp?). 'S e narrator a bh' annam. Seo bhideo mu dheidhinn an sgeul sin, animated. Tha e gle mhath!

Le taing do Gaelcast.

(I know it's all in Gaelic, so if you would like a rough translation please leave a comment saying so. :)